BCIT Covid Guidelines 2023-2024

Per Dr.Nagy Superintendent of Schools

Covid Guidelines Pdf 2023-2024

Any student who tests positive for COVID-19:

  • must report this to the campus school nurse and in the absence of the school nurse, Domenick DiLeo, the District Contract Tracer. 

  •  A copy of the test * (home kit or test center or doctor is accepted) will be requested. 

    • *A snapshot image is an acceptable form of proof and must include the date and the box the test was in.

  • The nurse will call the appropriate first contact of the student.

  • The student must quarantine in the timeframe of the district’s policy. (5 days from symptom onset or positive tests if asymptomatic) consistent with 9/26/2023 policy

  • If a student is required to extend their quarantine beyond the 6th day, they must obtain a doctor’s note to confirm the extension of their quarantine period, and otherwise wear a mask on days 6-10 upon return.


The District will remain mask optional, but reserves the right to implement a mask requirement as needed or if mandated to do so.

Please contact the school nurse if your student tests positive for further guidance. 

Nicole Sgouros - MedTech Campus

Email Nicole Sgouros

609-654-0200 ext 8480