Advertising, Art and Design

Advertising Art & Computer Graphics will prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain entry level employment in the following areas: photography, production art, layout art, lettering, advertising, fashion, computer graphics, desk top publishing, illustration, display, and design. A large portion of assigned projects is designed to develop a portfolio of samples that are a requirement for obtaining employment in art related jobs. In Advertising, Art, & Computer Graphics the students will develop attitudinal skills that will help them gain employment, as well as prepare them as workers who will be able to function successfully in the job market. The ability to meet job deadlines and to accept criticism are examples of such skills.
Possible Career Paths:
Graphic Artist
Art Teacher
Web Designer
Advertising Designer
Game Designer
Career Certification possibilities:
NOCTI: Advertisng & Design
ACA: Adobe Creative Associate
Illustrator: Vector, illustration, Logos & Charts
Photo shop: Image Manipulation, Photo Retouching
Animate: Animation
Premier Pro: Video Editing
Dreamweaver: Website Design
Medford Instructor: April Zilai Website