Child Study Team

Jill Trainor, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Ext. 2226
Email Jill Trainor
10 Hawkin Road, Medford NJ 08055
609-654-0200 Fax: 609-654-7840
All children, ages three through 21, who reside within the Burlington County School Districts who are in need of special education and related services, including pupils with disabilities attending nonpublic schools, are highly mobile pupils such as migrant workers’ children and homeless pupils, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, shall be located, identified and evaluated according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.3. All children who are considered to be ‘at risk’ may be evaluated by district personnel to determine eligibility for special education and related services. If you have concerns about your child and would like to have him/her evaluated, please contact the Department of Pupil Personnel Services (609) 267-4226 or (609) 654-0200, press option 4.
Medford Staff
Nicole Riccitello
Ext. 8496
Email Nicole Riccitello
Laura Howarth
Ext. 8402
Email Laura Howarth
Lori Ilconich
Social Worker
Medford CST Chairperson
Ext. 8401
Email Lori Ilconich
Samantha Smith-Evans
Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant
Ext. 8420
Email Samantha Smith-Evans
C. Lee LaRusso
School Psychologist
Ext. 8404
Email C. Lee LaRusso
Alisa Hayes
Speech Language Pathologist
Ext. 8547
Email Alisa Hayes
Orlando Robinson
Creative Change Counselor
Email Orlando Robinson
Ana Soares
Creative Change Counselor
Email Ana Soares
Special Education Records Request
Please use this document when requesting records from the child study team. Records will not be emailed. You must submit the proper documentation to have these mailed.
Parental Rights in Special Education (English)
Parental Rights in Special Education (Spanish)
SEMI (Special Education Medicaid Initiative) is a school-based program where participating public school districts are reimbursed a portion of the cost associated with providing health-related services to Medicaid -eligible students in their Special Education programs.
Please use this form to consent for the College Board to process information to inform decisions about accommodations provided to students on and College Board test that you choose to take.
Examples: SAT, PSAT-related assessments, AP, and CLEP