panther image and Welcome to Med Tech Athletics

Home of the Jaguars

 Athletic Director - Mrs. Holly Murrenburke

Athletic Trainer Website - Natalie Moticha Site Supervisor - Carla Ogden Secretary - Janet Moretti

609-654-0200 ext. 8415 

Coach Powell's 250th Win

Important Dates for Spring Sports

Important Spring Sport Dates

A graphic of a stethoscope

Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE)


Click here for the Up-to-Date State Approved Physical Exam Form Packet
Drop off filled-out Medical Eligibility Form (last page of the packet only) in person to BCIT Medford.

The Portal is Now Opened for Spring Sports

Click here for the Genesis Parent Portal, then "forms tab" for Online Sports Registration

 No Registration = No Participation... No Excuse 

Once you are cleared, you will receive an email from the school nurse.

Athletic Calendar

For the Most Up-to-Date Information  


Important Dates for Winter Sports

Rules for Spectators

Medford Campus Rules and Procedures for Spectators at Inside Athletic Event

  1. All spectators must remain only in authorized areas during games to ensure safety. Spectators are not permitted to enter restricted areas where signs are posted, gated off areas, or other areas designated by the Site Supervisor and/or Athletic Director.

  2. Spectators are not permitted to sit on the team bench during games.

  3. Spectators are not allowed in the locker rooms.

  4. All spectators must supervise their young children to ensure safety. Children should not climb on the outside or under the bleachers.

  5. Spectators must be respectful and appropriate towards the players, coaches, and officials at all times.

  6. Practices are closed to the public. Only team players and school personnel are allowed in the building during practices. Parents/guardians should wait in the parking lot during practices if they are picking up their child or children. 

  7. Spectators are not permitted to eat or drink in the gym.

  8. Failure to follow these rules may result in having to leave the school grounds.

Medford Campus Rules and Procedures for Spectators at Outside Athletic Events

  1. Spectators are not permitted to smoke on school property. Smoking includes but is not limited to the following: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or devices containing tobacco. Electronic smoking devices are also prohibited.

  2. Pets/Animals are not permitted on school grounds during athletic activities.

  3. All spectators must remain only in authorized areas during games to ensure safety. No spectator is allowed to enter restricted areas where signs are posted, field paint is used as a barrier on the ground, gated off areas, or other areas designated by the Site Supervisor and/or Athletic Director.

  4. All spectators must supervise their young children to ensure safety. Children should not climb on the outside or under the bleachers.

  5. Spectators are not allowed to sit on the team bench during games.

  6. Spectators must be respectful and appropriate towards the players, coaches, and officials at all times.

  7. Practices are closed to parents/guardians. Only team players and school personnel are allowed in the building during practices. Parents/guardians should wait in the parking lot during practices if they are picking up their child or children.

  8. The number of spectators permitted to attend an outside athletic event will align with Governor Murphy's Executive Order in place at the time of the contest.

  9. Failure to follow these rules may result in having to leave the school grounds.

Thank you for your anticipated support and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you at the games this season.

Mrs. Holly Murrenburke

Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
BCIT Medford Campus

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