Workers' Compensation

Process & Procedures




Step 1: Employee reports a workplace injury to their supervisor / nurses office immediately.

Step 2: Supervisor notifies HR and completes the required injury/incident report within 24 hours.

Step 3: HR submits the Workers’ Compensation claim and ensures the employee visits an approved healthcare provider for evaluation.

* If an employee goes directly to the Emergency Room, then a follow up visit is required to the District's Occupational Health Office.

Step 4: Employee provides HR with the doctor’s note outlining work restrictions or accommodations if needed. Attendance is updated by HR to reflect WC days.

Step 5:  HR communicates these restrictions to the employee’s supervisor to ensure compliance and provides ongoing communication on follow up visits if applicable.

NOTE: If restrictions are not being met, the employee must notify HR and their WC Claims Adjuster immediately to address the issue.


Occupational Health Visit (If Applicable)➡️ If went to Emergency Room ⏭️ contact Occupational Health for a Return to work clearance


Personnel Submit Claim to Claims Adjuster


Employee contacts & ensures follow up with Claims Adjuster on Treatment


Attendance added to include day of injury


WC applies same day as accident until cleared and case is closed


Employee returns to work once cleared w/ DR note or with restrictions that can be accommodated


Employee is cleared after attending any additional DR appointments


Personnel team will add information to Medical file


*Employee enters sick time if they choose to be out for extended time once cleared for WC

Employee Reporting Procedures for Accidents