Admissions Information

Welcome to BCIT's High School Admissions webpage. We are very glad that you are interested in attending our school and hope you will find this site informative. Please understand that we are unable to consider students who will be entering 11th or 12th grade unless they have previously been enrolled in another career and technical high school.


The Burlington County Institute of Technology School District is dedicated to providing technical and vocational education to pupils of Burlington County who are admitted into its programs. The uniqueness of the program offerings and instructional strategies require pupils who apply to provide academic and social records that demonstrate the ability to meet the rigors of the technical and vocational course offerings, and behavioral attributes conducive for nontraditional classroom settings.

Pupils applying for admission to Burlington County Institute of Technology must meet the following criteria and adhere to the procedures set forth.


 Applicant Must:  

  1. be eligible for promotion to the grade for which he or she is applying;

  2. pass a review of current report card and final report card from previous year;

  3. have an acceptable school discipline/behavioral record for current & previous year;

  4. demonstrate regular school attendance for current & previous year; and

  5. demonstrate proficiency/competency on the BCIT Entrance Exam and standardized test scores. (students with accommodation plans will receive additional time and text to speech in accordance with the IEP or 504 plan)

    • NOTE: Academy of Performing Arts applicants must meet the above criteria AND pass a required audition to be accepted into any of the performing arts majors (dance, theatre, and instrumental/voice). 


Online Application Instructions:

  1. Fully complete all required fields and digitally sign and date where applicable to avoid processing delays on your application.

  2. Submit the following required documents/information from ALL schools attended in the 2022-23 & current 2023-24 school years (The 2023-24 school year records must be the most current issued at the time you submit the application; however, they must be after the completion of the 1st marking period): 

  • Report Cards – Current report card for the 2023-24 year and final report card from the 2022-23 year.

  • Attendance Records – Current attendance record for the 2023-24 year and final attendance record from the 2022-23 year.

  • Discipline/Behavior Records – Current record for the 2023-24 year and final record from the 2022-23 year. If the school does not have a computer-generated discipline record and the applicant had no discipline issues in the 2023-24 or 2022-23 school years, a simple statement to that effect from a school official and on school letterhead will be sufficient to meet our needs. If there were any incidents, we will need to know the specific nature of them and how they were dealt with.

  • Most Recent Standardized Test Scores (i.e. NJSLA, PARCC, TerraNova, etc.).

  • 10 digit NJ State Student ID #

  • Copy of Birth Certificate.

  • Photo ID- The photo ID must include the student's photo along with identifying information such as student name, school name, ID#, etc. Many students are submitting printed copies of their demographic page from their school's student information system and some are making copies (or taking photos w/ cell phone) of their school ID badge or passport.

  • If applicable, a copy of IEP and/or 504 Plan.

  • If applicable, a copy of the Custody Agreement.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Your guidance counselor may be able to directly upload the required paperwork to your online application. If your school's guidance office is unable to upload your information, you will have to obtain the required documents and either upload them to the application yourself (must be done before you submit it) or send them to our office by email or via the USPS. (NOTE: Before you submit your application, please check with your guidance counselor to confirm whether or not he/she will upload the documents to your online application and if they will not, you will have to submit them to us yourself.)

Once the BCIT Admissions Office receives all of the required forms and documents, the applicant's parent/guardian will be sent an email with the details of the applicant's scheduled entrance exam. Entrance Exams will be scheduled on a regular monthly basis starting in December 2023.

  1. Upon completion of all requirements (paperwork & testing), an evaluation will be made and the applicant will be sent a written notification of the admissions decision via email and/or letter.

  2. If accepted, the applicant will be assigned to a campus based on his/her town of residence, according to the geographic boundaries established by the BCIT local governing bodies. Please see the Campus Assignment of Students by Municipality for more information.

If you need assistance with the online application, please email our office