Board Goals

  • The Board of Education will continue to support the district administration to move forward with the design, bid, build process associated with the construction expansion of the building footprint on both the Westampton and Medford campuses pursuant to the Career and Technical Education Bond Act allocation as well as completion of capital improvements including HVAC systems.

  • The Board has approved a number of grants to support the mental health and wellbeing of students and staff.  The Board is focused on providing such support to allow staff and students to flourish, which in turn enhances the culture and climate in buildings.

  • To support the use of ESSER funds among other funding methods for the training of staff and development of ongoing classroom and building applications that address student enrichment, acceleration, social and emotional learning, equity and diversity training.

  • To support the ongoing efforts in a post-pandemic environment to utilize data and programming to drive ongoing academic improvement and student achievement.

  • To support the commitment to ongoing efforts to increase enrollment, social media and student and parent outreach to make the community aware of the outstanding benefits of a BCIT education and the importance of parents and guardians as educational partners with BCIT.